Evolutionary Nervous System Offerings

A customized nourishment plan so that your nervous system can do what it does best which is bring peace, balance, well being and expansion into your life.

A customized Flower Essence blend to support the repatterning of your nervous system. Specially formulated for your unique energetic needs, desired shifts, and gentle expansion.

A series of three sessions that includes a Flower Essence Activation and formulation, a Nervous System Nourishment session, + 1 life coaching session to ease you into your natural expansion.
Nervous System Nourishment
Your nervous system is the foundation of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is not only responsible for regulating every function of your body and mind, it is also the bridge between your inner and outer worlds, and the key to your ability to adapt and thrive in a constantly changing environment.
A depleted or malnourished nervous system can lead to a wide range of symptoms, from anxiety and depression to chronic pain, insomnia, autoimmune disorders and even lack of purpose.
The right nourishment not only supports the optimal functioning of the nervous system itself, it also boosts your immunity, and enhances your mood and cognition, as well as connects you to a sense of belonging, connection, and purpose.
3 main areas of focus:
- Physical nourishment = Paying special attention to the essential vitamins and minerals to address and correct all underlying deficiencies.
- Emotional nourishment. Fear, for example, is associated with a stress response and with biochemicals that are inflammatory in nature. Love on the other hand is associated with an anti-stress response and with biochemicals that are anti-inflammatory in nature.
- Mental nourishment. The belief that love is hard, that you are unworthy; these beliefs are mirrored biochemically and become well worn pathways within the nervous system.
These three areas combined create a set point that the nervous system maintains until you consciously disrupt it with more nourishing and meaningful patterns.
Each area needs to be assessed and individually addressed so that sustainable shifts can be made. A nourished nervous system is present and receptive.

Together, we will create your personalized nourishment plan to optimize and support your nervous system, reclaim your physical vitality, and improve your overall sense of being well within yourself. 90 minutes. Zoom. 225$. Schedule your NS Nourishment session with me today and start your transformational journey back to sustainable wellness and peace.
This is where you get to let go of all the protocols and one-size-fits-all approaches, and step into customized care so that you can step into true nourishment and sustainable patterns of peace and well being.
"What you believe to be possible defines what you are capable of creating."
~ Nassim Haramein

My new understanding of the relationship between quantum physics and the interconnectedness of the nervous system to the universe, created a manifestation that taught me how to create ease, peace and joy. When I put the tools, that Julie taught me, to work this manifestation occurs. With this knowledge I find it so much easier to give love and receive love. If you want to turn away from the dark and negative energies and turn towards the light and positive energies for an overall healthier nervous system, Julie has the knowledge and the passion to match.
Flower Essence Activation
As a holistic nurse specializing in nervous system recovery, I have seen firsthand the incredible benefits of flower essences as a gentle and powerful medicine.

Flower Essence Activation
Book your Flower Essence Activation session now and allow the gentle yet powerful vibrational frequencies of these precious blooms to support your nervous system work, and restore balance and harmony to your mind, body, and soul. 60 minutes. Zoom. 108$. You formulate; no additional cost. I formulate and ship to you; +32$ (US and Canada only). Your journey to optimal well-being begins here!
What are they? Flower essences are a form of energy medicine that works by capturing the vibrational essence of flowers in water. This essence is then preserved with a small amount of alcohol or vinegar and used as a remedy to promote emotional and physical healing.
Flower essences are particularly effective medicine for the nervous system because the nervous system itself functions at the level of frequency and translates that frequency into biochemicals that impacts your overall health.
Flower essences work to address energetic patterns and emotional imbalances that may be contributing to nervous system dysregulation, and invite shifts that will contribute to restoration of function across all planes; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
"The true purpose of flower essences is to help us awaken to our divine nature and to the truth of who we are" ~ Gurudas

The work I've done with Julie has been absolutely instrumental in helping me to dissolve the inner resistance that has kept me from showing up for myself fully. I had no clue just how impactful my nervous system health was on my everyday life experience. She left me with an empowering perspective of how my nervous system interfaces with the whole of the universe, and that, in it itself, was worth the cost of the session. Pure gold.
1:1 Deep Dive Series
As a practitioner, I have seen firsthand the multidimensional, far-reaching, and unexpected results of Nervous System work.
Your nervous system is a database of past experiences, belief systems, and daily habits that create a subconscious ‘set point’ from which the experiences of your life are born. If left unattended, this set point not only defines your physical, mental and emotional health, it also defines what you are capable of achieving.
It is also a set point that has taken a lifetime to create and will require continued nourishing support and guidance to reset. A deep dive allows for you to be met right where you are and to receive the support and guidance you need. Whether you are needing to heal the past, release old beliefs, invite more love and abundance, or step into expansion, you are in the right place.
A series of three sessions that includes a Flower Essence Activation + Formula, a Nervous System Nourishment session, + 1 life coaching session from the perspective of your NS.
This is where you customize your journey, learn how your nervous system works, techniques and practices to work with it to achieve your goals.
'Everything you do or don't do, everything you hold on to or let go of, impacts the health and well being of your nervous system which determines what quality of life you are capable of living.'

1:1 Deep Dive
If you are ready to take your life back, to recover your health, to step into sustainable well being, and nourishing connection, you are ready to deep dive. 3 sessions. Zoom. 444$. Your journey to true freedom starts here.

Theresa Canosa
Her approach the the nervous system is multi-dimensional and taught in a way that ties together the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers. This is where you come when you are ready to learn about the nervous system and how it speaks the language of the universe. If you are ready to recover your nervous system from chronic states of fight and flight, if your are ready to reset your life then this is the wisdom you are seeking.

Discovery Call
Connect with me
20 minutes to connect, ask questions and determine if you could benefit from nervous system work and which service would be the best fit.

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My favorite online source for a broad range of high quality products you are already using and loving. Please explore this amazing space for nutraceuticals, beauty care, herbal tinctures, teas, animal care products and so much more. All of it shipped straight to your door. Here's to your optimized health and well being!

Free Meditation
Insight Timer
Everything is energy, that your spirit integrates your physical body through a nervous system unique to you, and that your regulated nervous system is the doorway to your sustainable healing and personal expansion.
Take the Quiz!
Your Nervous System health assessment + customized recalibration / expansion guidance based off your results.
Start living a more happier, healthier life with more balance, soul,
and meaning today!